Nicole's Quarantine

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Cardio Workout

Before quarantine, I went to the gym to do weight lifting and not so much cardio. Thankfully, my gym project ended up being a 7-week plan in order for me to improve my cardio, which I did. I like to run 3 times a week and 5k each time. I often completed my 5ks in 32-36 minutes and my goal for the future it's to complete it in 30 minutes. Below you can observe what a normal run looks for me. Sometimes, I run with my mother as well! I title my runs with the days of the weeks and what song I got home to.

Nike Run Applicaton
My Mom and I running
Fitbit Tracker

Weightlifting Workout

Once the gyms closed, I wasn't able to keep up with my prior weighttraining exercises mostly because I had no weight to train with. I decided to do body weight training in order to keep my muscles fit. I normally do it 1-2 times a week, but I tend to slack a bit more. I make up my own exercise routine, depending on what muscles I want to work on that day. I normally do 3 sets of 10-12 reps per exercise. A good example of a workout would be: squats, leg raises, push ups, jumping jacks, donkey kicks, the plank and lateral arm raises.

Me Post Workout
Fitbit Tracker

Nicole Amaral